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          spa treatments available 
          massage treatments available 

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          Swedish   or   Classic  Massage Sessions for Men      
                                                                We provide a very relaxing two hands massage  
                                                                by either Estevan or Jeff,  a  full body massage 
                                                                          available sessions  -  60, or  90 minutes
                                                                    more information on Swedish or Classic

                   Tandem Swedish Massage Sessions for Men    
Four stimulating hands massage - 2 Therapist
                                                                 A Swedish Tandem massage with Estevan and 
                                                                 Jeff,  is a  full  body Tandem massage session, 
                                                                      available  sessions   45,  60,  or 75 minutes 
more detail on the 4 Hand or Tandem 

                                       Moderately Deep Tissue Sessions for Men    
A  full body massage or  we can concentrate on the 
                                                              specific areas of your choice,  stretches can be part 
                                                              of this deeper tissue work,  as needed for your body.
                                                                      more information on Deep Tissue Therapy

                           Sports Massage / PNF Stretch Sessions for Men
                                                              Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching 
                                                              sessions.   Tense - Relax - Stretch  sequence which 
                                                              greatly enhances the range of motion,  elongate tight 
                                                              muscles, and work deeper muscle group that are not 
                                                              easily reached in a massage session. This is perfect 
                                                              for a sports massage routine,  physically active  men 
                                                              or  during  rehabilitative  massage.    PNF  stretching 
                                                              consists of  three  simple steps:  stretch the muscle,
                                                              contract  it  isometrically  against  resistance,   then,
                                                              stretch it again.   Simple,  yet highly effective.  These 
                                                              steps apply whether you're  isolating one muscle at a 
                                                              time, or using the spiral diagonal patterns of  PNF  to

stretch groups of muscles simultaneously.
                                                                                      view a  PNF Stretch Session 
                                                                                  more information on Sports Sessions

                                                  Mobility Stretching Sessions for Men
                                                              Stretch  sequence  which  greatly enhances the range 
                                                              of motion,  elongates tight or contracted muscles, and  
                                                              works the deeper  muscle groups that are not reached 
                                                              in a regular massage session. Stretch session greatly
                                                              enhance your mobility and flexibility of joint movement


                                                    Shiatsu  Massage  Sessions for Men
                                                             Shiatsu  is  a  traditional  hands-on  Japanese  healing 
                                                             therapy.   Shiatsu uses rhythmic pressure from 3 to 10 
                                                             seconds on specific points along the body's meridians 
                                                             by using the fingers, hands, elbows, knees, and  feet 
                                                             (sometimes)  to unblock and stimulate the energy flow. 
                                                             A session may also include range-of-motion movement 
                                                             and  gentle stretching manipulations.  Sessions are 
                                                             generally done on a mat on the floor.
                                                                        more  information on Shiatsu Sessions 

                                               Reflexology  Massage  Sessions for Men  
eflexology can release blockages and restore the free 
                                                            flow of energy to the whole body. Tensions are eased, and 
                                                            circulation and elimination is improved. This gentle therapy 
                                                            encourages the body to heal itself at its own pace, often 
                                                            counteracting a lifetime of misuse.
                                                                   more information on Reflexology Sessions     




Exfoliations  Sessions for  Men                        

                                dry  scrub  massage treatment  
an  effleurage  session  to remove   the 
                                        outer  layer  of  dead  skin  &  can  be 
                                        included with a full  body session,   we 
                                        use abrasive gloves   without
to  massage and scrub the body.   Dry 
                                        scrub  helps 
remove  toxins,   opens
pores,   eliminates  uric  acid  crystals 
                                        and  mucous  residues,  will  stimulate 
                                        circulation,  and increases cell renewal

salt glow exfoliation treatment
                                        an effleurage session  to  remove  your
                                        outermost layer of dead skin from your 
                                        body.   we use dead  sea  salt  and oil  
                                        to   exfoliate the  dead  skin  layer.  
                                        Dead Sea Salt is unique, having a total
                                        salt  concentration  that   is  10  times 
                                        higher than ocean water, reaching 33%
                                        versus  3 %.  But  that's  not  all!   The 
                                        composition of  the  Dead  Sea  salt is 
                                        also  unique,  comprising  magnesium,
                                        potassium  and  calcium  chlorides, in
                                        addition  to  a  high  concentration  of 
                                        bromides.      This  session  is  usually  
                                        received separately but can be  done in
                                        conjunction with  a  Massage  session.  
                                        This  is a  much more  effective  way  to 
                                        rejuvenate your skin than the dry scrub.
                                        Depending  on  the  size of y our  body   
                                        and  the condition  of  your  skin,   this  
                                        Session   lasts approximately   30 - 50  
                                            information on exfoliations 

                                        foot / hand  hot  wax treatment
                                        an exfoliation of the feet and hands with 
                                        hot wax to remove calluses and dead &
                                        hardened skin.  This treatment requires
                                        a 4 hour minimum advanced notice,  no 
                                        approximately 30-60 minutes depending 
                                        on the condition of your feet.    Feet that 
                                        are  very  callused  or very hardened will 
                                        require  several  sessions  to  rejuvenate.              

                                email us for additional information or questions about our services
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couples massage training workshops
                                        we offer private workshops to couples wishing 
                                        to learn the art and techniques of massage on
                                        each other. these workshop session are taught
                                        to only one couple per session by both therapist
                                        and are conducted in our private studio.


               requirements for Massage Therapists by State        
Please call  Estevan  or  Jeff  to make your appointment  or make them on line.
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                We also have a Female Therapist available if you prefer