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Houston Massage, Male Massage , massage for men,  Houston massage therapist, Massage by men, Tandem massage, 4 handed massage. We are two male Massage Therapist in the Heights of  Houston Texas.  We provide Swedish Massage, Tandem massage  / 4 handed Massage, Shiatsu, Sports Massage  / PNF Stretches  for men.  We are both Male Register Massage Therapist offering our services  in Houston Texas. Our comfortable and inviting Studio in located in the Heights of  Houston Texas. We are located close to downtown, Montrose, the Medical Center, and the Galleria areas. Houston Texas massage for men. Tandem massage for men. Male massage therapist. Massage for men by 2 men. Massage for men by 2 males. Houston Texas male massage. Houston massage. Couples massage training sessions. Massage workshop.  Learn Swedish massage technique.