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                      Energy Independent Now!


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choices to fuel vehicles:

                                   the best solution would be one fuel source

bio mass:   fuel made from renewable organic sources
    1. methane
            CNG (1)
(compressed natural gas)
            landfill methane (1) (2)
            sewerage methane (1)

    2. hydrogen (1) (2) (3)
(4)  (5)  (6)  (made from water or coal)
"What if there were a form of energy that could solve our air pollution
                                 problems, would eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, could solve 
                                our balance of payments woes, would eliminate oil spills, would create
                                domestic jobs, and could be made from unlimited, renewable, and
                                sustainable resources?       Well, there is -- it's hydrogen!"

Key Facts                     

                                 Hydrogen is the best choice of fuels to burn!

    3. ethanol 
(made from corn)

    4. alcohol (methanol) (methyl alcohol) (CH3OH),  (1) (2) (3) 
Methanol is the simplest alcohol, containing one carbon atom. It is a
                                colorless, tasteless liquid with a very faint odor and is commonly known as
                                 "wood alcohol."   Methanol is one of a number of fuels that could substitute
                                 for gasoline or diesel fuel in passenger cars, light trucks, and heavy-duty
                                 trucks and buses.  Methanol can be manufactured from a variety of
                                 carbon-based feedstocks such as natural gas, coal, and biomass (e.g.,
                                 wood). Use of methanol would diversify the country's fuel supply and reduce
                                 its dependence on imported petroleum.

    5. fuel cells (1)

A fuel cell is an invention that allows hydrogen and oxygen to combine
                                 and produce electric energy, heat, and water (h2o). It was originally
                                 invented in the late 1800's and was not refined much until the 1960's
                                 when NASA began to look at fuel cells as a way to provide electricity, 
                                 heat and water to space craft.

choices to generate electricity: 

                               the best solution would be multiple fuel sources 

hydrology:   fuel made from water movement
1. dams (1) (2) (3)  

                        Key Facts      
                        Of the renewable energy sources that generate electricity, hydropower is the most often used. It
                             accounted for 9 percent of U.S. generation and 82 percent of renewable generation in 1998. It is
                             one of the oldest sources of energy and was used thousands of years ago to turn a paddle wheel
                             for purposes such as grinding grain.  
                             Mechanical energy is derived by directing, harnessing, or channeling moving water. The amount
                             of available energy in moving water is determined by its flow or fall. Swiftly flowing water in a big
                             river, like the Columbia River along the border between Oregon and Washington, carries a great
                             deal of energy in its flow. So, too, with water descending rapidly from a very high point, like
                             Niagara Falls in New York. In either instance, the water flows through a pipe, or penstock, then
                             pushes against and turns blades in a turbine to spin a generator to produce electricity. In a
                             run-of-the-river system, the force of the current applies the needed pressure, while in a storage
                             system, water is accumulated in reservoirs created by dams, then released when the demand for
                             electricity is high.

    2. tidal power generation   (1) (2) (3)
                                Waves are a free and sustainable energy resource created 
                                as wind blows over the ocean surface. The greater the distances 
                                involved, the higher and longer the waves will be. Energy is stored 
                                in this way until it reaches the shallows and beaches of our coasts 
                                where it is released, sometimes with destructive effects.

                        Key Facts

                                 Tidal is an excellent choice

    3. geo thermal (1) (2) (earth heat used to generate steam) 
Geothermal Energy is heat (thermal) derived from the earth (geo). 
                                It is the thermal energy contained in the rock and fluid (that fills the 
                                fractures and pores within the rock) in the earth's crust.

Key Facts

                              Geo Thermal is an excellent choice

      4. hydrogen (1) (2) (3)
"What if there were a form of energy that could solve our air pollution
                                 problems, would eliminate our dependence on foreign oil, could solve 
                                our balance of payments woes, would eliminate oil spills, would create
                                domestic jobs, and could be made from unlimited, renewable, and
                                sustainable resources?       Well, there is -- it's hydrogen!"
Key Facts

                            Hydrogen is an excellent choice

fuel made from uranium

                            Nuclear is NOT a good choice!

solar:  fuel generated by the sun 
1. photovoltaic cells
    2. steam
(from concentrated sunlight)

                            Solar is an excellent  choice with unlimited supply!

wind:  fuel generated by 50 million wind generators could solve ALL of our power need now!
1. tidal power generation (1) (2) (3)
     2. wind turbines (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)  
The electric output of 500 wind turbines is equal to the output of a nuclear power plan.
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  TERRORwindfarmLakeBenton4.jpg (9909 bytes) TERRORwindfarmLakeBenton6.jpg (11061 bytes) TERRORwindfarm.jpg (48565 bytes) TERRORwindfarm30.jpg (17191 bytes) TERRORwindfarm021.jpg (36098 bytes) TERRORwindfarm20.jpg (49627 bytes)
Part of the beauty of windpower is how well it fits into the agricultural setting.  Farmers simply farm around the turbines, which take less than 2% of the land out of production while providing the farmer with approximately $2000 per turbine per year in electricity revenues.
                       Wind is an very excellent choice !!

petroleum:   fuel generated from hydrocarbon deposits 
                SHOULD BE HISTORY.

     2. coal
     3. shale
Lets forget this one FOREVER ! 
                   Energy Independent Now!
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